The Queen of (my baker's) Hearts

For the first time ever, I've been disappointed with a recipe from Martha Stewart's test kitchen. Just in case someone other than my mom is reading this, I have to tell you that Martha Stewart was one of my 1st heroes. I know what you're thinking, "WHAT?! That swindling jailbird?!!! (who actually got caught cheating and took one for the team of the rest of the swindlers because we all know from popular wisdom that it's only wrong if you get caught)." For once, I don't care what you think. In my ten year old eyes, she was a beautiful, elegant, smart women who took advantage of what little opportunities were available to a 2nd generation polish immigrant  [don't fact check my ten year-old self, please]. She also happened to love all the things I loved. I mean, what ten year old doesn't love Nantucket-style mansions, hem-stitched linens and baked goods made perfect by that elusive ingredient: sanding sugar?

So you can imagine how upset I was when I tasted my snickerdoodle batter and said to myself, "Well, I hope that sour taste bakes out..." Needless to say, gentle reader, it did not.

And that's how my Baker's Heart was broken the week of St. Valentine's Day. My only consolation is that if I spin it a certain way, I can blame myself and not Martha for that sour taste! I must have been thinking about the nine other PRIORITY things on my To Do List, so I lost count somewhere... (I checked all my ingredients and, I'm proud to say, that none of them expired in August 2012, as those pesky ingredients do sometimes.)

In your pity, please don't post a million snickerdoodle recipes that are crowd pleasers. There are few things worse than sifting through 26 recipes that vary by teaspoons all claiming that it WAS THAT ONE TEASPOON that sent the batch from good to glorious.

I'm sure my broken heart will soldier on as it always has every St. Valentine's Day, consoled only by chocolate, hand crafted paper goods, amazing roommates, and at least three of the four Loves.

P.P.S. Happy Valentine's Day Mommie!


  1. AAAAAOOOOOOHHHHHH! You made my day. WEek. Month and,,, probably YEAR if I know you. YAY. YOU are so fun, and I'd like a snickerdoo too! Save one4m? (PS: I'm not aghast at Martha's inside trade indictment. I'd be such a jailbird if I were in charge of her wealth, careless as I am with financial details. NO, it's the indelible image of her driving into a Martha's Vineyard driveway for a Planned Parenthood fundraiser that spoiled my Martha Love. Loud and Proud for an elitist cause. Wreaked it.)
    - - signed, Le MaH


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