
Showing posts from June, 2014

Make a Difference

It is always interesting when ones birthday falls on a Sunday. Generally, it's more desirable to have your birthday fall on a weekend and according to American culture, your birthday is a day for excess, for doing just as you please. So it may seem a little strange that I chose to get up "early" and go to church on my birthday.      This is not so strange if you believe that the work of The Holy Spirit in and on His Church provides the best remedy for the quarter-life crisis I've been walking through. So I showed up, Bible and journal in hand.     For much of the past 26 years, I have labored under the delusion that I will get better with age, that I can make a difference if I just get involved in the right ministry, or if I find the perfect job, and that I will someday out grow my tendency to sin. Indeed "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate, I do." (Romans 7:15)      It is therefore by the Grace of God that