"The Natural Outgrowth of Memorizing Ephesians 4 at a Young Age"
Below is a copy of the email I sent to my parents to try to explain why I am becoming Orthodox. As I say in the email, it is not meant to be an apologetic work, it does not defend Orthodoxy against its Protestant detractors. There are many other, better things to read that will do that (that I enumerate at the end if you're looking for interesting reading material). My purpose is to show you all my heart and to hopefully show you how the Holy Spirit has been alive and well in me. It's a very personal account that I labored over a year ago when I was finally ready to have this conversation with my parents. Please, please, please do not start a discussion or argument over any of these social media sites. If you would like to ask more questions or hear more of the story, I would be so honored to chat with you, in fact, there are so many of you that I've dearly been wanting to catch up with anyway, and this might be a good facilitator for that! Thank you all for bein...